Sleepover with Katie!

On Tuesday, June 26th, Katie Newport spent the night with Dakota. We had a lot of fun! They played outside most of the day and ran around in the sprinkler. Later on that day, we baked cupcakes with lots of sprinkles on top. The tops of the cupcakes were not the only places that the sprinkles ended up. I think I cleaned up sprinkles for a week after that! For supper, we grilled out hot dogs and ate in the "clubhouse" - underneath the trampoline. Great fun! After baths, we popped popcorn and watched a movie. Believe it or not, the girls actually did some sleeping!

The next day, we went to the Carl Cowan Splash Pad out in Farragut. We packed a picnic lunch and stayed for hours! They wore themselves slap out! Then, it was time for supper and to get ready for church. Dakota really enjoyed the "girl" time. Not much of that around here with two crazy brothers!

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