The 3-D's at World's Fair Park

Dakota, Dawson and Donovan - the 3-D's headed out for an adventure to the World's Fair Park on Thursday, July 19th, with several other friends. The Fowler girls and the Naugle boys were among the many friends that showed up - some of their favorite people!

We all had such a blast - the moms watching and the kids running around getting soaking wet. It was such a beautiful day and the weather was great!!! We all took picnic lunches and finally convinced the kids that they needed a break and were hungry. After that, we dried off and went for a walk.

We ventured up into the "gold ball". Guess what??? We were able to see the "whole world"! It was really beautiful, seeing much of Knoxville from that far up!

We continued on to Market Square, where Mayfield's was giving free samples of their new flavors of icecream - Old Fashioned Caramel, Chocolate Cream Pie and Coconut. It was a very refreshing treat!

What a sight we are were trasping throughout Knoxville with that group of kids! It was great! The walk back seemed much longer than the way there, and wore the kids and moms out! We all had such a wonderful time though! Needless to say, nap time was gooood that day!

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