Swimming at the Lott's!

On Saturday, July 21st, we were invited over the Tim and Kelsey Lott's house for a cookout and to swim. They have just recently moved into their new house and are enjoying their pool! It was so kind of them to invite us! Their two little boys, Beau and Jud, are cuties and my kids were so excited to be at their house!

Dakota, Dawson and Donovan were so ecstatic! Dakota jumped right in and didn't get out until I threatened to spank her when it was time to eat! She loved it! She jumped in a gazillion times and "swam" from one of the pool to the other over and over again! Dawson was so excited that he just jumped right in. After I "saved his life" (as he puts it), he was a little more cautious! Armed with goggles and some floaties, he decided to brave it again. The rest is history - he loved it! Donovan was like a fish in the water! You couldn't keep the kid out! However, he didn't want to wear floaties or anything. He would just jump right in! He was a handful, but he had a blast just the same! Mommy definitely slept good that night!

Kelsey made the mistake of mentioning that we could come over whenever. I kid you not, every time we see them at church, my kids attack them begging to go swimming! Sorry, guys! My kids have no manners!

Thanks so much, Tim and Kelsey, for the invite! We all had such a great time! I promise we will come only when invited (for real)!!!

Sorry - no pics for this occasion! I was too busy to snap a single picture. Maybe next time!

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